GVEA membership vote recommendations
Here are my recommendations for voting by mail. Of course, members should educate themselves before voting. The mail in ballot must be RECEIVED by 5 pm Dec. 11, 2006 at GVEA offices.
To read why I recommend voting this way, please read my Community Perspective in the Fairbanks Daily News Miner. The Newsminer has other GVEA articles and letters available
Ballot 2006
Membership Vote to Approve the Transfer of G&T Assets
GVEA should transfer generation and transmission (G&T) assets to the Golden Valley Electric Association Generation & Transmission Cooperative (GVEA G&T)
I Approve
X I Disapprove
Amendment of Bylaws
Article IV, Section 3
[this change allows all but GVEA board members and their spouses to participate in GVEA sponsored alternative energy programs, such as SNAP]
X I Approve
I Disapprove